St Anne’s is a warm, inclusive community that enjoys conversations that grow us in faith, friendship and service.

Our congregation is a diverse group drawn from Toowoomba to Crow’s Nest. We gather on Sunday mornings at 8:30am and offer a range of small groups and other activities.

For regular events, see our Services and Small Groups page. And go to Helping Our Community and Each Other for practical ways we do Christian life together.

During the year, we offer lots of opportunities to connect with each other socially and to serve our local communities in Highfields and Toowoomba. See our events pages for more information.

We celebrate the faith of the Anglican Communion and uphold its expression in the Five Marks of Mission:

  1. to proclaim the good news of the kingdom,

  2. to teach, baptise and nurture new believers,

  3. to respond to human need by loving service,

  4. to seek to transform the unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation,

  5. and to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth


St Anne's is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone, and especially our children.  The Parish has an up to date Child Protection Risk Management Plan including the screening of the ministry team, volunteer staff and Parish office holders through the Queensland Government's Blue Card Services.  Kids and teen ministries are conducted in accordance with the Anglican Church's policies on child protection and safe ministry.


Whenever we come together, we remember that we were not the first people of this land. We acknowledge that the Gaibal, Jarawair and western Wakka Wakka people and their Elders, past, present and emerging, have lived on and moved across this land. These traditional custodians belong to the land, water, sky and stars, in a physical and spiritual connection. They have cared for this place for millennia, and we thank and respect them for their care, their traditions, and for the way their special dreams and stories have became part of us and of our story. Whenever we come together, whoever we are and wherever we come from, may we hear, learn from, and nurture each other in the spirit of reconciliation and peace.

Read the Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s Reconciliation Action Plan.


You can find our privacy policy here.


Follow us on Facebook to keep up with events and the latest community news.

Please join us anytime or contact Rev Melissa or Fr Mark to arrange a friendly chat.


If you or someone you know needs help, please use our contact us page so that we can direct you to the right person.